Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Thank you for your ongoing interest, feedback, and getting together!

I'm going to take this Thanksgiving opportunity, at the risk of sounding sappy, to thank you for your ongoing encouragement and responses that have helped every book, event, and note.  It has been far more fun to share the releases with you.  Thanks for "being there!"  I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

PRE-ORDER RESIST! A Visual History of Protest

 Franklin McMahon's fifty years of painting protests                  informed Margot McMahon's writing in              RESIST!: A Visual History of Protest.
From Franklin McMahon's 1940s WWII POW experience, his 1950s covering the Emmett Till Trial for Life, and our 1960s through 2012, times of social justice change culminating with Senators Obama and Clinton debates, his paintings and her written experiences come together to

Please join us at the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art on December 17 at 12:00!

I'm looking forward to getting together with you this December and viewing individual resistance who gathered into crowds of people who came together for a larger voice for social change.  RESIST! will be exhibited at UIMA from         December 17th, 2022 through February 12, 2023.

If Trees Could Talk, Mac and Irene: A WWII Saga, and Airdrie are perfect gifts for the holidays.

Books are available at Lake Forest BookstoreThe Book Table in Oak Park, Bookstall in Winnetka, Book Nook in Saranac Lake NY, and Books Plus in Lake Placid, NY, or Bookshop.org and most online providers. Please request these books at your local library or order through Ingrams from any bookstore.

For More Information, 

Margot McMahon
Recent and upcoming events
Copyright © *|2022_SculptureworksLLC*, All rights reserved.
*2022_12_1 Newsletter* *RESIST! Exhibition*

Our mailing address is:

Saturday, November 5, 2022


Ukranian Institute of Modern Art Exhibition
2320 W Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL
12:00 pm
Saturday, December 17th, 2022 - February 12th, 2023.


Release of
RESIST!: A Visual History of Protest
Margot McMahon

Exhibition of Paintings
Franklin McMahon  

Please click on the images above for links, reservations, and more information.

Winnetka Public Library Will host Hollie Smurthwaite and Margot McMahon on October 19th at 7:00 pm. They will give prep advice for writing your story in November.

Oak Park Public Library is hosting Margot's presentation on Finding Your Family Story through gifted heirlooms in November. 

The Artists Book House in Evanston offers A House Haunted with art installations throughout the mansion based on original short stories.


If Trees Could Talk is available near you!

Local Bookstores that carry If Trees Could TalkMac and Irene: A WWII Sagaand Airdrie:

  • Book Table in Oak Park, IL.
  • Lake Forest Bookstore, IL.
  • Bookstall in Winnetka, IL.
  • Book Nook in Saranac Lake, NY.
  • Bookstore Plus in Lake Placid, NY.

Please ask your library for If Trees Could Talk.  The Margot McMahon Collection can be found in Lake Forest, Oak Park, Rolling Meadow, and Winnetka libraries.

Find Out More